Friday, April 30, 2010

Welcome Welcome to the Kensei Chronicles. The online blog of an old dog who has been kicking around the world of Karate for over 30 years. I was lucky enough to find a great instructor, one of the best in my mind, and stick to him like glue trying to learn as much as I can while I am here! I also traveled to study with other instructors and also other styles, but all that did was reinforce the fact that I was where I should be! This blog will serve to share with others my experiences in Karate, To promote the style of Karate that I have trained in for the last 30 years and show my views of Karate and how it has changed over the last 30 years. Hope you enjoy this blog and can learn a bit, share a bit and have some fun with it. I hope to have some history and some not so often found things on the blog. Stick around this could get fun!

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