Friday, April 22, 2011

The art of movement

The art of movement

Karate is the art of Human movement. It focuses on efficient use of the body to produce the maximum amount of impact on a target as well as using the body as effectively as possible in any given situation.

Because of the fact that it is a art or study of human movement I often say that you should be studying outside of the dojo. You should be doing home Karate to learn how your body specific moves and reacts to different ideas that are introduced in the Dojo. You should however also look into other sciences to improve your own ability.

Two sciences that can improve the ability of any martial artist, especially Karate students would be the science of Physics and Biology or Anatomy. The reason for Anatomy and biology is that they give you a very base understanding of the body and how it works. You get to know your body from a very different angle than just “wearing it”. You will learn how muscles work, how they don’t work, what your bones are actually for and how strong they are! You will learn a bit about what fuels you and how, and how your body is made to move, and how and why it is not!

With Anatomy you will learn about were the “danger” spots are actually located and you will learn why you get hurt, how long it will take to heal and what is actually happening in your body. I have been told so much Junk science over the years that it is getting silly. I have read and been told about the mystical things our body can do…and those are from real scientists! The truth is the body is very understandable but does some incredible things, and yet it still has its limits.

The next area of study I suggest is Physics. Not Astral physics but the kind of physics that went into kinesiology. Levers, lines of force, power, acceleration, Newton’s laws and the basics will give you a better idea of how to use your body and what you need to do with all that glorious anatomy to effect your partner/attacker in a more effective way.

You don’t need to study these sciences as a profession, not that this would hurt, but it will help if you pick up a book, read a few things on line and ask questions of people who know about these sciences to get a basic understanding of these sciences. It is a funny concept, not lost on my, that a British Scientist born in the 1600’s, has more to tell me about the art of human movement than most newer instructors. First off his laws of motion govern or explain all the aspects of movement that I need to know to better my movement or at least understand what is going on. And most instructors forget that movement, be it Karate or ballet are all governed by the laws of physics.

A crash course in Newtons laws of motion would greatly help all instructors and students who want to understand how motion effects what we are doing. When you merge Biology and Kinesiology/Physics you get a science called Biomechanics or the mechanical study of movement. Another science well worth checking out.

My whole concept of lines of force is based on my study of Biomechanics. The act of applying force into the ground with your feet and using some form of movement(rotation, motion or even vibration) as well as thrust into the ground in the opposite direction as the technique will “push” more force into the target. The line of force travels from the floor, thru the heel, up the leg, to the hips, thru the torso, into the arm and out to the first and into your target.

In order for you to show efficient lines of force you can not have your arms sway far way from your body or have lack of drive into the floor. So, the better your form and technique the more your lines of force will be able to transfer and magnify force from the ground into the opponent. Also, the more efficiently you learn to use your body and not just throw your arm at an opponent, or leg if kicking, the more force you can apply to the task at hand.

My point is that when you take the basic Karate you have learned and start learning why things are done the way they are, the more you start to understand and can apply it knowingly. Study the sciences and your “Art” now becomes science and the practice of Karate becomes the art of human movement.

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